
Saturday, October 22, 2011

How Did We Ever Live Without It?

For any of you who know me personally, you know that I have always been very up to date technology wise, always knowing all the latest programs, software, hardware and everything in between. I lost most of that drive when we began living this lifestyle, still dabbling in the latest and greatest gadgets, but just not doing it with all the vengeance I use to have. There has always been that deep pitted desire to upgrade to an IPhone, but could never justify the extra cost…well, today is a new day and I am finally in the 21st Century.

For my birthday this year, coming up the end of this month, we decided it was time for me to get the IPhone. We were able to pick it up for under $100, with a 2 year contract. We are never concerned about signing a 2 year contract with Verizon, since they have and will always have the best service amongst all the others.

Now the new issue is how can we get one for Jerry? His contract is not up until December of 2012 and without it, we would have to pay over $600 for his phone…not happening. Since my computer crapped out and I took over his, we have been planning to get him a new one once we leave California. Did I mention the taxes here? OMG…We paid an extra $45 in taxes on our phone since it was delivered to a California address. Now, we think with as little as he uses his computer, we could get by with getting him an IPhone for him to check the few websites he actually visits…still mulling this over and since we will be out of California in January, we will get him his IPhone then.

As for our experience at the pumpkin patch, well we are in the single digits of days left until we are done with it. We are so tired of complaining…doesn’t change a thing and is so unproductive and now that there are only days left, we need to get productive and make the best out of this entire situation. We grew a “pair” and have begun to very nicely and firmly get our point across to some of these nincompoops. We also know that it is not the long hours, is not the hard work, it is the people…the rude, inconsiderate people that insist on being idiots. Well, that is there problem and we will no longer allow their stupidity to control our happiness, after all you can’t fix stupid.

We have looked into other seasonal types of work, but the money keeps us coming back to doing this. There are a few others that we have considered and will once again look into them. As far as future pumpkin and Christmas tree lots, we love the sales part we just do not like the type that cater to the kids with all the entertainment. It is too much for just Jerry and I to do on our own, we may also like it if it were a bigger operation and we had help. We will continue to look into new adventures for next season, but for this season, we will continue with what we have and look into other possibilities for next year.

We have looked into the gatekeeping, mostly in Texas and the pay, even though many say is great, for us it is not a good fit. Working 12 hour shifts is enough, being on duty for 24/7 for $125 for both of us calculates terribly for us. We understand that you are not working 24 hours a day but if somebody needs something at no oclock in the morning…guess who needs to take care of them with a smile.

We also looked into Amazon, and we make more in less time working these lots than we would working months at Amazon…and, the weather at the locations is frightful. We love the warm sunny days of being out west.

Thank you for all your comments and support during this time for us. Life always seems to give us lessons, the sooner we learn from them, the sooner we can move forward. We are really digging deep and trying not to allow others to dictate how we manage and feel about ourselves. Life is just way too short to allow others to control our feelings.

For more photos, check out our Picasa Web Albums.


  1. You are exactly right. . .you cannot allow others behaviour to dictate your well being.

    When I delivered mail, I would be so upset and depressed if I got a complaint, or someone was unhappy, until I realized that if I was delivering to 500 homes every day, and only one person was unhappy. . .those were pretty good odds.

    Glad you are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. . .hang in there!


  2. Wish I had some more suggestions for you but I don't. And this one is almost over with. Will the Christmas tree lot be better?

  3. Always love your up dates..have some fun

  4. I knew you would get a handle on the issues and overcome them. Life's too short to have stupid people ruin your days.

    Amazing taxes in CA, glad I don't live there!

  5. Exactly right- you cannot fix stupid:) And there seems to be more of that around than ever before:(

  6. Good attitude. In a few days this pumpkin patch will be over, your pockets will jingle and you can find something where you are appreciated a little more. I know you'll do it. You're a survivor!

  7. Your title "How did we ever live without it" is funny to us. We have a cell phone that we only use for emergencies (Canda's cellphone companies charge a fortune for roaming charges and they don't have a good North American plan). Since leaving Canada, Sept. 6 our phone hasn't even been turned on. We use the email and skype for keeping in contact with family and friends.

    Good luck with finding a job that will work well with your lifestyle, they are out there somewhere. As you have said you can't fix stupid so just ignore them!

    Kevin and Ruth


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