
Monday, September 19, 2011

An Olive Branch Was Extended

There comes a time in our lives when all of our past pains must be put to rest…mine came at last.

Our phone rang and I didn’t get to it in time, it was from restricted…a few moments later it rang again. Knowing that restricted usually is my daughter upset because I said something she didn’t like on my blog, I worryingly answered it. It was her. Thoughts rushing through my head…oh no, what did I say now that might have upset her…instead she was apologizing and within moments we were talking.

Talking about life, choices, decisions and about our grandson. It was good after six long years of not talking at all. I expressed how proud I was for the woman she has grown into and she thanked me for my part in raising her.

Life doesn’t always go the way we plan, but it always works out eventually if you just let go and allow it to live it’s course. It isn’t always easy but there are moments in our lives that may not go quite the way we wanted them to go, but it always works out in the end just as long as we believe.

Not sure where any of this will take us, but we ended the conversation with hope that we have finally put an end to the anger, the pain and all the terrible words we spoke so many years ago.

We have arrived in Los Angeles to work the AARP Convention at the Los Angeles Convention Center and it wasn’t as bad as I had anticipated it would be maneuvering around the downtown area with the motorhome. We are staying at a hotel while we are here and Maggie is just staying parked.

We will try to update our blog while we are here, but we will be putting in 15+ hour days for the next 5 days so it may not happen. Hope you all have a great week and just remember that miracles do happen…mine happened when that phone rang.


  1. You sound happy and hopeful, and I agree that we just have to let things go. I recently put a note on my computer "let it go".

  2. Glad things are looking up with your daughter!

  3. I am so happy for you both! Without communication nothing can be fixed. I know how you've struggled with this. No doubt she has struggled too. Life is too short to have anger. I'm glad that at least the start of healing is there. It's time to move forward. I'm wishing all of you the best!

  4. How wonderfully joyous you must be feeling. And probably very cautious also. I pray that it will continue to be a happy reunion for you both.

  5. It's funny how sometimes when you finally decide to "let it go", then things take a turn for the better. Yay! Don't get your hopes way up, but this sounds very promising!

  6. That's good news we are praying for you all to be happy.

  7. That is wonderful news. We all hope that new ties will be made, stronger than before and that love will truly win out.

  8. So glad to hear that you talked with your daughter and praying that all will work out at long last!

  9. Great news! Ann Landers used to say to forgive and bury the hacket and the handle. We wish you all the best. Life is so short.

  10. That is good news. I hope a "Do Over" happens and you can move beyond th hurt and heal. Now that you're talking I'm sure progress will occur.

  11. So glad to read that you and your daughter are talking. It must have been a very long 6 years for both of you.

  12. So very, very happy to hear this.
    As you know we also have to be so guarded what we say on the blog. Over the last two years it has gotten better for Jon and he has taken his granddaughters out on several occasions. Hope that you meet up with each other as soon as possible.


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