
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Do You Have A Story?

We all have them…

But the bigger question is…

What are you doing with yours?

We spent so many years being recovered or recovering from this or that…

We spent so much of our time being survivors of this or that…

We had also labeled ourselves as ex of this or that…

So much so that we have become exactly what we have worked so hard to get away from. We have become engulfed in being our past…too afraid to become who we want to be today.

We have been scared to take that next step in our lives because it may just end up being exactly as it was in our past. Fear keeping us from giving it all we got and totally moving on to our next adventures.

Instead, we have been stuck…stuck because we labeled ourselves. Nobody did this to us…we did this to ourselves. We believed that others may look down on us, or not want us to be this way or…well the excuses have been many, always giving our power to others.

We are free spirited and love the freedom that living in the United States of America has given to us, but we have allowed our own stinking thinking to smother our right to live our lives the way we choose to live it.

How often do you label yourself?

Just because you were abused as a child, or used to be a smoker or a drinker or anything else in your past, does not mean that you have to continue being connected to it. By labeling yourself as an ex-smoker, or a recovering alcoholic, or a survivor of child molestation only continues to keep you connected to those things that many of us try to let go of. Just because society and/or the media say it is the thing to do, DOES NOT make it so.

Even good labels have a way of stifling ones true inner self. We labeled ourselves as writers and photographers, which made us feel as if we had to do what others wanted us to do, the way they wanted it done. Well, we are writers, but not the kind that we have become. We do not like to just write about our travels or reviews, our favorite type of writing is about our feelings. This type of writing comes from our inner souls, not from the technical and facts of visiting places. We love sharing our feelings about where we visit, why we chose to visit there and what we learned from it all. We will no longer allow our own feelings and choices to lead us away from what is in our hearts.

It’s time we all take responsibility for our own lives…

Something we learned by going through the tragedy at the Indiana State Fairgrounds. There were 6 lives that ended that day because of the choices they made. Not because of any neglect from the fairgrounds, or the weather stations, or any other person there. We all make our own choices. We choose to stay or to leave a situation and only we can make that choice. Now if we allow others to steer our choices in any one direction, it is still our choice. We are now back on target with making our own choices from our inner guides. We all have them, we just all do not utilize them. We will no longer put our power in anyone else’s hands, we are in complete control of our own destiny. We will speak up and ask for what we want, and we will follow our guts when it comes to every aspect of our lives. We will no longer be followers (that is except for with our blogger friends).

For more photos, check out our Picasa Web Albums.


  1. Most of the time I really like who I am right now. I don't live up to any expectations except my own and the Lord's. I figure those are the only ones that count. Because if I live up to my expectations I make a great wife, or mother, or friend. So welcome to freedom and enjoying your life as you want to. Blogger friends are the best about letting you be you.

  2. Another good post! If only everyone would take responsibility instead of blaming others or their past for the way they are. And while we are at it, let's end the entitlement era.

  3. Thank you...Thank you...Thank you to all of our readers...we so much appreciate each and every comment we get from you!

    Don't let me get started on the "Entitlement" era that so many folks get into...probably another post for another day.

  4. Great post ~ gives some a lot to think about...

  5. Your quote: "We will no longer put our power in anyone else’s hands, we are in complete control of our own destiny. We will speak up and ask for what we want, and we will follow our guts when it comes to every aspect of our lives."
    I had one thought when I read this and you probably don't agree, .....your grandson.

    Be blessed on your travels.

  6. Excellently said. You definitely make us think about if we are being true to ourselves. I'm glad you choose to write about more than just your travels, I believe that sharing our lives is what makes life worthwhile.

  7. Very well said... I'm enjoying the direction your writing is taking. It makes me think about the choices I (we) make and the paths we are taking. Will continue to follow your journey with anticipation.

  8. Very interesting and very deep post. I think everyone tries to be true to their own self. However, being true can be confusing because we also try to be the person that others think we should be. I'm not sure we can ever be totally hones with our feelings to others. If we are, they might not approve. I think this might even be more true in the RVing community than in our other walk of life. In the RVing community so many unlikes are brought together with a similar interest ... RVing. Our worlds have been different. Thus, we see things different and sway a little more. Is it good? Probably not because the turmoil then is inside us.

    I liked your post.

  9. Good food for thought...and a great reminder to listen only to what's in our hearts. We often fall into the same traps, some of which now have us questioning our future. Your words have once again reminded me to live for ourselves. Thanks!


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