
Thursday, August 04, 2011

Where In The Heck Are We Going Now?

We left Indianapolis Motor Speedway on Monday morning and drove a little over 10 miles to get to the Indianapolis State Fair, where we will be working for the next 3 weeks. We will be working long, 12+ hour shifts for 17 days, so do not expect much from us on our blog. The fair venue is huge, with all sorts of wonderful, different things to do and lots of space to cover, so we are thinking this will be a busy place for us.

Our plan was to head west just as soon as this fair was complete, but we have been offered other opportunities. Once this fair ends, we would need to head directly to Concord, North Carolina for a 4 day show. Then, head to Hutchinson, Kansas to work 10 days at the fair there with 10 days in between to do some sight seeing. And, we were offered another show in between, up in Wisconsin, but that was WAY too much to travel for such a short show…the pay was not there, but these other 2 would be beneficial for us. Right now, we are just mulling it over…we will make up our minds within the next few days, but it looks as if we will be staying east, at least until we need to head west for our work at a Pumpkin and Christmas lot.

Life is always filled with so many opportunities, just as long as you get out of it’s way to allow them to invent themselves. We have learned that if things don’t come easy, then it’s not our right path to be on. If by slightly changing our course, doors begin to open and opportunities become abundant, then we once again know we are right on track. It took us so many years to finally understand that concept and we now accept it sooner than we ever have before which is so good to be able to get back on the right road quicker than ever. Life is Grand!


  1. Will you be renting the mobility scooters again at the state fair?

    It is a relief when you know you are on the right track.

  2. Glad things are going good for you... Life is grand!!!
    Have fun

  3. I'm glad these opportunities came your way. Just a short time ago weren't you concerned when others had been canceled? Better to have too many offers than none at all. That's good news.

  4. Hope you have some fun at the fair, as well as work.

  5. Sounds like you guys are going to be plenty busy for a short while. I'm not sure what you're doing at the fairs since I just joined in so I need to go back and find out what you're up to. NASCAR definitely rocks!!!

  6. We are renting the mobility scooters for Scootaround at this fair, as well as the Kansas Fair and then at the Car Show at Lowe's Motor Speedway.

    All because we did not panic when we got the news that the other two shows were canceled...we allowed it to play itself out!

  7. Glad to hear things are working out for you guys.

  8. What a relief that work came your way! I'm sure the Scooter company doesn't want to lose excellent employees like you.

    Hope the heat doesn't slow you down.

  9. I just knew those opportunities would shoe up for you. Glad you have some choices!

  10. Being flexible in life is difficult to learn but it will keep you from breaking when things don't go your way :-)


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