
Monday, May 16, 2011

So Much Catching Up

Once we get behind in sharing our stories, we never seem to find a clever way of jumping back into it, but we will attempt before too much more time has passed. Our last post was shared shortly after leaving Cincinnati, well since then we have…

Worked the NRA Convention in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Drove twice to Washington DC to pick up and drop off more scooters.
Dropped off the Penske truck in Dayton, Ohio in preparation for the upcoming Hamvention event.
Encountered more rain…thunder…storms…frigid temperatures…another tornado and did I mention RAIN!
Visited several Places of Interest, Casinos, Restaurants, Hotels, and RV Parks & Campgrounds…some great…others good…and some NOT at all!
Had some necessary work done on Maggie and even toyed with the idea of upgrading to a 30’ Class A…still working on that one.
Hit yet another huge jackpot!
Got a great deal on a great camera!
Made some new friends and hung out with some old ones.
And, so very much more…

Once we complete the Hamvention this weekend, we will be sitting and recuperating in the Ohio/Michigan area until we head to the Michigan International Speedway mid June, where we will enjoy another NASCAR race as fans. While recuperating, we will take the time to share all of our reviews, stories and photos. The stories have been written, many photos have been taken, they just all need to be brought together and posted.

Thank you for all the kind words from our friends and readers wondering where the heck we are and for wanting to hear all about our adventures. It feels good knowing that there are so many of you out there who follow our stories.


  1. We will stay tuned to hear the rest of the story..

  2. You have been busy. Nothing wrong with a huge jackpot :)

  3. It's always good to get your updates. Glad to hear that you weathered some more more storms and came out smiling.

  4. Good to hear from you again and glad you all are doing good. We have all had some bad storms lately so I'm glad you all are ok weatherwize.

  5. We will be in Dayton on Wednesday for Hamvenion.
    We're staying at Tall Timbers KOA in Brookville.

    Selene, NC

  6. smdrm - We too are staying at Tall Timbers, they are having a dinner at the campground for everyone around 6pm. We will be working from early morning till afternoon at the Hamvention, but will have our evenings free for a glass of wine and conversation...if the weather offers some sun and heat instead of the wet and cold it has been maybe we can get together!

  7. So great to see an update and hear that things are going so well. Miss you guys!

  8. Don't feel bad about being too busy to post, you are working hard. You've certainly covered some ground!

    Hope you get a chance to slow down a bit and have some fun.


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