
Monday, May 23, 2011

Goodbye Penske Truck & Hamvention Show

Since April we have been traveling around with the Penske truck with 40 scooters and our RV, well that all ended when we completed the Hamvention show and we relinquished the keys to the Penske over to Sandi.

Sandi and David work for Scootaround as semi drivers and they will also work the shows if needed, and they were needed for this show. Between the semi and the Penske truck, we brought over 150 scooters and we used every last one of them on Friday and Saturday. Sunday, not so many.

We are not “Hams” or “Hammies”, or whatever they call folks who get into the Ham Radios, but we had heard this show is one of the biggest and they also carry other electronics. As we found out, not so much.

We could not find any GPS’s so we ordered ours online before they arrive in the stores in June. If you go to the Rand McNally website and purchase TripMaker RVND 5510, be sure at checkout to put in the “VIP” code to save $70, total paid with taxes and free UPS ground shipping was just under $300. We are so looking forward to delivery and we will share all we know with all of our readers just as soon as we have checked it all out.

Now we are off for the next 7 weeks until it starts all over again. So, in the meantime we will enjoy Ohio, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Indiana. We have 2 NASCAR races scheduled to be fans at, and several areas we plan to visit friends and sights we have not visited yet.


  1. That must have been a big relief to get rid of the trailer & scooters... Now sit back and have fun...

  2. About time you got a chance to slow down. Enjoy your time off, you've certainly earned it!

  3. Which races are you headed for? Hopefully we will still be at Daytona in July. For a while it was looking iffy, but looking better now...


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