
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Rainy Day at Disney World

Does not make for the “Happiest Place in the World”, at least for many that is true, but for us we’re thankful for the day off. If the rain stops as it is forecasted to sometime mid-afternoon, then we may spend the evening at Hollywood Studios.

Our first Disney World adventure began with us waking up before daybreak. We were super excited to drive the few miles over to Camp Wilderness for our stay. Stay tuned for the review of this resort when we leave. We were hoping to be able to check in early. If your site is available, they allow at no extra charge for you to do so and if not, they have an area you can stow your RV while you are at the parks. Fortunately, we did not have to use the latter. It was 8 a.m. and they let us move onto our site…Yippee!!! Let the Memories Begin…!

The first park we opted to visit was Epcot, we also chose not to purchase hoppers because one park a day for us we thought would be plenty and we were right on in that thinking.

Even with the scooters that we have from Scootaround, we are exhausted. The walks alone within the rides are thousands of steps that we chose not to take advantage of going through the handicap lines with the scooters. Instead, we leave our scooters out by the entrance, which we need to learn exactly where we should leave them because they continue to move them. What a freaky feeling, knowing you parked them in one area and then they are not there or seeing them elsewhere and wondering if we both have lost our minds. For folks who know what they are doing, moving them is simple. Disney World has an exceptional bus service and they take really good care of us and the scooters. We did remove the canopies, since they became very encumbering. We were able to see all we wanted to see in half the time, we are so grateful for them.

During our first day at Epcot, we soon realized that it was Flower & Garden Festival season. Everywhere we looked, there were characters created with flowers and plants and they were spectacular. Our photos do not begin to describe just how absolutely amazing they look. The decorators have magic hands and fingers to create such magnificent artistic images.

We dined in Germany at the Biergarten Restaurant where they serve authentic German food. Even though my mother was from a Polish decent, we were raised with plenty of German meals and it was so nice to taste that kind of food again.

We went on several of the attractions, but our all time favorite at this park is by far the Test Track. It is presented by General Motors and is the longest, fastest attraction in Disney history…oh yeah! It begins a bit quirky, but boy when it takes off outside around the building, it is exhilarating!

The next day brought us to Animal Kingdom and because we are staying at a Disney Resort, today was an early open day just for us…well us and a million other folks. When we arrived, we high tailed it for Expedition Everest - Legend of the Forbidden Mountain, where we rode the most spine-tingling roller coaster since our last experience. We opted to wait a few extra minutes so we could be in the front row, and the wait is truly worth it. This was our kind of roller coaster ride we both love, not the spinning and jolting ones but the kind that takes you through an amazing ride that when you are finished you don’t feel queasy, instead it makes you feel energized. We rode several other rides, but this was our favorite of them all.

We dined in Africa at the Tusker House Restaurant, where the cuisine had an African touch. They had different types of rice mixtures, couscous concoctions, and different types of food we had never heard of, thank goodness it was a buffet style so we were able to taste them all. Some were good and others not great, but for the most part, we didn’t hate any of it. Our favorite was the sauce used on the pork loin, that was honey-mustard with a spicy flair that was the best sauce we have ever had.

So far we are having a great time, we are a bit annoyed at the terribly rude people and it is very crowded, but we are still having fun. We did decide to stay with our original plan of leaving on Sunday, we feel that is more than enough time to visit all the things we want to see. It is really different visiting this type of place without our grandson with us, we know he would have loved it.

Be sure to check out all of our photos so far from our adventures at Disney World at our Picasa Web Albums.


  1. I looked at your Disney World Picasa Web Albums. Disney World is one of the most photogenic places to be. Good job on all the photos. We haven't been to Disneyworld since 1996, and we visited before Animal Kingdom was opened. I would like to visit again!

  2. Tusker House was one of my favorite dinner spots when we were at Disney in September with the grandkids.

  3. I've never been there, so appreciate your post. I'm guessing I probably never will be.

  4. We LOVE Disney. So what if it's raining? You're still at Disney! Enjoy yourselves!

  5. Bummer, we'll be pulling in Sunday as you're pulling out. We'll wave if we see you.

    We love staying at Fort Wilderness almost as much as going to the parks. It's our favorite campground, bar none.

    Jerry looked great in that Viking helmet. I bet he'd look even better wearing it while driving your RV down the road... ;c)

  6. Don't look for Jerry wearing that Viking helmet any time soon driving down the road, they would lock us up and throw away the keys...

  7. For us that can't afford to be there, you have made it come to life for us. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Thanks for the tour. Someday I am going to make it to Disney World. Not sure when but it is definitely on my to do list!


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