
Tuesday, March 01, 2011

New Fulltimers Product Giveaway

Today's Giveaway is courtesy of RV, who is offering two of our lucky readers the chance to win either a Eureka 2 CD or “From Camping to Fulltime” resource guide written by Andy Baird of TravelswithAndy. To learn more about the motivation behind these Full-timer resources check out Andy’s guest post on the RV Parking blog.


Eureka 2 – a treasure trove of RVing ideas: hints, tips, information, projects available in CD format. View the topic index here.

From Camping to Fulltime - Making the big jump from office worker to full-time traveler was exhilarating, frightening, exhausting, but ultimately well worthwhile. This book, “From Camping to Full Time“ candidly reveals the author’s day-by-day ups and downs... and his eventual triumph.

To enter, simply visit RV Parking.

Here are the Rules:

1. Comment (extra point for including a link to your user profile on on this post letting us know you are participating in the giveaway and leave us with some sort of way to contact you!

2. Follow RVParking.comand Hit the Road JACK on Twitter. Tweet the two of us saying you are participating in our Giveaway!

3. To get more entries, Like’s Facebook page.

4. The person with the most entries will win one of the 2 prizes available.

Entries will be accepted until 9pm PST Sunday, March 6th. Both winners will be chosen by amount of entries and announced in this post on Monday, March 7th. Good luck!


  1. Giveaway, baby!

    Thank you!

  2. Hey everyone,
    I just wanted to clear something up that some might be confused about.

    Please note: You can do any one of the options (listed above) to enter the Giveaway. You don't need to complete every step.

    But every step that you complete will count in your favor as an additional entry! The person with the most entries will win one of the prizes.

    Happy RVin'

  3. Who won? I'm all atwitter (and afacebook).

  4. Thanks for the reminder, will check with Amanda and let you know!

  5. Congratulations to The Good Luck are the winner! Amanda will be contacting you to let you know how to receive the prizes! If you like, please contact Amanda at with your email address and she will provide all the details.

    Again, congratulations and thank you for entering this contest.


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