
Sunday, February 06, 2011

How Often Do You Commute?

Commuting has always been one of my biggest pet peeves.

One of the reasons many of my jobs prior to traveling full-time were jobs that could be done from home. Major corporations used me as a guinea pig many times to see if positions could be done from home, I loved testing each one of them. Many times I researched work that could be done from home and then got the experience needed to do that type of work. It was always my main objective to work from home. Another reason that writing and photography is in my blood and we find every opportunity to do it as my life work since it can always be done from the road. Then, throw into the mix this lifestyle, where many jobs are actually done by walking out of your home and you are immediately at work has added to my loving no commuting.

Unfortunately, this show did not allow us that luxury. When we accepted this position, we searched high and low for a decent campground within the area where we would be working the Miami Beach Antique Show. What we finally found was one located 25 miles away, so a car rental was then the best option for commuting.

We were confident since the show hours were Noon to 8pm that traffic would not be an issue, BOY OH BOY, were we ever wrong.

The commute has been a nightmare, at times it took us almost 2 hours to arrive at the show or to get back home. The only good day was Sunday, the traffic was lighter so it only took us 45 minutes to get there, still much longer than we wanted it to take us.

I do not know how millions of people do it daily, the only thing that keeps us from losing it, is the fact that we are doing it for only 10 days…long enough for us!


  1. I feel your pain, I used to commute 35 into and out of DC and many times it took 2 hours.

    Now I have an easy commute, 165 miles (each way). Funny, it only takes about a half hour more than my old commute.

    Retirement looks better and better where I won't commute anywhere. :c)

  2. Doesn't look like any fun - glad it is only for ten days.

  3. My last job before going FT was a 25miles, that usually took about 30 min. Not bad usually but an Iowa Winter can make that a white knuckle event. Glad I am not making that trip this winter.

  4. Ouch, I can't imagine commuting again! Used to commute 3.5 hours a day for many years. Funny how you can get used to it though. Now I just avoid big cities all together. Hang tough, it will be done soon :)

    97 Roadtrek 170P "Taj Ma Trek"

  5. We used to commute in and out of the Dallas area. The key words in that sentence are "used to". I can imagine what Miami is like!

  6. It's all an adventure, isn't it? :) At least it's only 10 days. You can handle anything for 10 days! Look at it this way, it will make you appreciate even more your gigs with no commutes. Hang in there, before you know it, it will be over!

  7. Before I retired I commuted to and from Los Angeles (50 mile round trip) for almost 40 years. Plus I drove a semi truck around the Southern California area for 35 of those 40 years. And guess what? I'm still alive to tell about it! :-)

    Take care and have a nice day :-)



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