
Friday, December 24, 2010

We are FREE…

The last few days have been much more work then we had anticipated and we are tired, plus this nasty cough that caught us and just will not let us go determines the amount of energy we have left.

It is very hard work disassembling a Christmas lot, you have so much to take down, the decorations, the fencing, the poles, the lighting, the trees off the lines, and last but certainly not least the tent.

Then it all has to be neatly packed into a trailer which is later picked up by a semi driver.

Then comes the clean up of the area we had taken over for the past month. There are pine needles to be raked, holes from the poles to be refilled in, and any trees left over to be stacked and ready for pickup.

The good news is that it is over and we have left the lot and are in vacation mode for the next month or so. We don’t DO Christmas anymore…maybe because we have no family…maybe because of this lifestyle…maybe because for the past few years we have been working the lot. We haven’t quite decided why we do not do it anymore, but we know one thing and that is we have one another to share whatever it is that we do on that day. We also have our friends…many we have met and many who we have yet to meet. And, to all of you we hope you all have the Christmas you all desire, for us it’s travel time and to unwind from the last month of serving others their Christmas trees.


  1. Having each other is what counts. You accomplished another tree lot season, and now you can relax and travel and enjoy yourselves for a while. Hope you get rid of those coughs real soon. I'll keep reading your blog to see what you are up to next! Merry Christmas, Kimberly and Jerry.

  2. Woo Hoo! Time to relax. You've earned it. I hope you guys enjoy your travels and spend some time unwinding. Happy Holidays!

  3. Merry Christmas Kimberly and Jerry!


  4. A little down time will be good kick your feet up and relax.

    Happy Holidays!!

  5. Congrats on another job well done. . .where are you headed next? Will be looking forward to your updates. . .

  6. Here's hoping ya'll have a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year!

  7. So glad you are free to move on to some new adventures. I was tired just reading what all you had to do. Hope you kick back and enjoy the rest of the hoildays doing nothing more than enjoying each others company - isn't that what it is all about. Happy Holidays to you and a Happy New Year of wonderful adventures together. Hope we get to meet you out there on the road!

  8. Time to move along for you. I can hardly wait to read about your next adventure! Have a great day!

  9. You have a very large family here in Blogsville, USA!! Merry Christmas


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