
Tuesday, September 07, 2010

RV Parking Review Website

How Proactive of a Workamper Are You? Read our article published at RV Parking.

While you are there check out their RV Park reviews. Through the years, we have searched for a good website that would provide good park reviews but most have fallen short and many have closed their doors shortly after they began.

We love doing reviews and found this website to be very easy to add ours and they also allow photos, another aspect we enjoy having as part of a review. Feel free to browse and even add some of your own reviews and let’s help this new site grow into a community we can count on for updated and good information.

They have a contest beginning today through October 15, 2010 where you can win for 1st place, a Portable Solar Power Pack worth $150-$200. Also, 2 runner up prizes of - $50 each gas cards. For all the contest rules, click here.


  1. Thanks for the link!

    Mike & Gerri (happytrails)

  2. Thanks for passing this along. We're always looking for other opinions on parks. I'll even add it to my blog in a day or two. The more that know about it, the more reviews we'll be able to check!! Thankx again.

  3. Thanks for sharing this information with us! =)


  4. Love checking out Park Reviews. . .sometimes they are right on. . .sometimes you get there, and wonder. . .what were they thinking?

  5. WOW, thanks you two for sharing this site. We will be adding our reviews as we travel across the USA. It helps to be able to see a review when picking a CG to stay at.

  6. I just realized that I never added your blog to my linked blog list. Sorry about that! I just fixed it. Here I thought you just never updated your blog. Silly me!! When I have a chance, I'll go back and read all the posts that I missed.


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