
Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Heat Wave is Ending

Today was cooler, only in the 80’s, no more setting record highs in California which has made it a real chore trying to get the pumpkin lot set up. Thankfully it is a bit different than the Christmas Tree lot. For Christmas, we start fast and end slow. On the pumpkin lot, we start slow and end fast. What I mean is we do our most business the first few weeks selling the trees, but with pumpkins we sell most of them the closer we get to Halloween.

Today, we also received many calls to set up field trips for children. This is going to be the highlight of this entire adventure. We schedule classes to come to the Pumpkin Patch and we entertain them with the maze/fort, the animals and the pumpkin painting. The only charge is $1.50 for the miniature pumpkin that they paint.

We also got another shipment of pumpkins, our specialty ones. These are so fantastic, now to learn all the names of them before the kids get here.

We took loads of pictures today and uploaded more photos of the Pumpkin Patch on our Picasa Web Albums, be sure to check them out.

Been trying to get the merchandise booth together and Jerry is losing it already.

Will make it 30 more days?


  1. I'm sure it's a lot of work,but you sure make it look like fun!

  2. Yes, the heat wave definitely broke here in Pismo Beach today. In fact, the fog rolled in before dinner and it cooled off a bunch! Loved all the great pumpkin pics.

  3. The pictures are beautiful. Love all the fall colors. Jerry looks like he is having fun, You know kids will be kids!

    Stay Safe

  4. Looks like your having a good time working.

  5. What a fun post! Love the pumpkin pictures. It sounds like you two are enjoying your time at the pumpkin patch. =0)


  6. That is a lot of pumpkins! Cute little guys! Hope it works out well and you have plenty of fun in the process :)

    97 Roadtrek 170P "Taj Ma Trek"

  7. The pumpkin pictures are fantastic. Loved this post. Fall memories, thats what its all about, and the kids will make a lot there.

  8. Where in Saratoga is the pumpkin patch?? I grew up in Sarartoga and my dad still lives there. My Wife is into Halloween and you have some interesting pumpkins in the pictures. I just found your blogg.

  9. We are on Saratoga Avenue & Cox and yes, we have never seen some of these pumpkins before but they are selling like crazy already.

    Please begin following us, we love hearing from all of our readers and if you have a blog, we will check you out as well.

  10. Just found your blog. Saw adds for work-camping at the pumpkin patch so I am interested to follow your experience. Great pumpkin photos!

  11. So glad to get caught up with you. May I ask a few questions ~ how did you find the job with the pumpkin patch? are you also doing Christmas trees in the same place? We are needing work and have applied with a few places for selling Christmas trees but have not heard back ~ any suggestions, maybe I am missing something?

    Love your pictures of the many different pumpkins...wishing I was near our storage unit so I could get my Fall stuff out and decorate our motor home. Won't be back there till the end of October.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.


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