
Sunday, August 29, 2010

Why We Do What We Do

We are not living this lifestyle to collect more toys, we are living this lifestyle to collect more memories. It’s not about the material things we gather, it’s more about the spiritual journey we are on and sharing all these wonderful moments with our readers.

Desert Hot Springs, California - Cloudy, Snowy Mountains

We thought the “American Dream” consisted of how many toys we could buy, we fell into that trap and it cost us so much of our inner souls. We now know that it is not about all of that, it is more about the life we are currently living, we have never felt more alive.

Bridge Crossing the Mississippi River in Natchez, Mississippi

Even though it cost us our family and many of our friends, we know that this is where we are suppose to be in our lives at this moment.

Ship Docked in North Carolina

If we could go back and change a few things, would we, could we?

Most of us would definitely answer yes to that question, but the fact of the matter is that there really is no going back. We can only move forward. Something we do everyday. We learn from our pasts but we never blame them or we never dwell in them. Life is way too short to live in regret.

The Atlantic Ocean View

We hope that you are all enjoying your lives, wherever they may take you. Our paths have us growing and learning from each and every journey, we hope the same for all of you. Once again, thank you to all of our readers, especially for all the comments, many have touched our hearts and we look forward to meeting up with you all sometime in our travels, until then, safe travels to you all!


  1. You are so right and we hope to start crossing things off the bucket list soon.

    Keep moving foward and have a great week..

  2. A beautiful post. I agree 100%.

  3. Like Sinatra sang, "Regrets, I have a few. But then again, too few to mention." Our life is fantastic as far as we are concerned. And those regrets are not ever dwelled upon because it wouldn't do any good. Move forward and move on is our mind set.

    Loved your post. Nicely said.

  4. Everyone has regrets! My main one is putting the profits from my last house into this one!!! That money could have paid for a nice RV that I could be living in now, instead of having to wait a while to live my Fulltime Dream! (Did you lose family and friends because you are RVing fulltime? Or just lose them because you don't see them more often? I hope the latter.)

  5. Beautiful post!! =)

    "Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by its breathtaking moments."

    - Michael Vance

  6. I agree with above...absolutely beautiful post.

  7. I am sorry you have lost family and just shouldn't be that way.

    Life is short and no matter what walk of life one chooses they should journey into it honestly and peacefully. We all certainly have things we wish we could do over but all we have is today. Go forward and learn from yesterday but never dwell on it.

    Great post!!
    Mike & Gerri (happytrails)


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