
Monday, May 03, 2010

Blue Skies & Deer

The cold, snowy weather is finally over. This morning the skies are blue, still on the cold side but higher temperatures are forecasted.

After posting our photos the past few days, we have received comments about the beauty of our backyard, these photos posted today will surely bring on many more comments about our wonderful backyard.

What a life…

But somebody has to live it…

We are so grateful that we chose to be one of the lucky ones.

Then they were gone!

Have you ever been someplace that was just too quiet? We think we found that place.

We arrived last week and were the first ones here besides the caretaker, Larry, who lives here year round. There are some homes in the area, it’s not like it’s hours away from civilization as many other places we have been were. Maybe it’s because nobody is on the ranch and once personnel begins to arrive this week, things will change. But, for now when we turn off the lights at night and go to sleep, we hear nothing. Not a car, not an animal, not a voice, nothing, just total silence. Then at the same time, it is so quiet, we hear every little noise that the RV makes during the night…funny how a little settling noise can be so loud in the middle of the night when there is no other noise to muffle it.

And, dark, so dark on a moonless and starless night that seeing a few steps in front of ourselves is almost impossible. There are no street lights and in the distance we can see lights of the homes in the area but there are only a few and far between.

For now we will enjoy the peacefulness and look forward to meeting all the workers and guests in the upcoming months. Being on a horse ranch instead of a campground will be different, and we look forward to exploring all the new and exciting adventures that will open up for us. Stay tuned for all the stories we will share and as usual, please continue to leave comments, suggestions and questions, we really do love hearing from you all.

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