
Friday, April 30, 2010

Old Man Winter Has Not Left Yet...

Where is spring in Colorado?  When we arrived on Monday, the temperatures were not so bad, highs in the 60’s, lows in the 40’s.

Well after a very windy night on Wednesday, the cold front came and is suppose to stay for the next 3 to 4 days, with highs only in the 40’s and lows in the 20’s. It snowed so hard yesterday there were times it was a total white out, most of it never stuck, we do have a bit of snow around but what is really hard to take is the temperatures that took a outrageous dip. However, by Tuesday it is suppose to have highs in the 70’s, lows in the 40’s, definitely can’t come soon enough for us. The first day with the wind and cold was tolerable, second day…well not so much but now that we are into the 3rd day of really cold temperatures and almost continuous white outs…well this is not at all what we like to see.

Jerry has been helping the maintenance guy get some things ready but I stayed hibernated in our rig for the past few days, catching up on my writing, reading and TV watching and that is the plan for the next few days for both of us.


  1. Just stopping by to say Hi, we are on the Oregon Coast and I have been so cold, but no snow. Just rain everyday. It is miseable for me to be out in this weather, I'm from Florida. :) Your photos are very nice.

    Happy Trails,

  2. Thank you for your comment. Went to your blog and you have some great photos as well.

    Your travels you have been to many of the places we have been to or plan to visit soon. Oregon and Washington is on our list for September this year, so we will be reading your blog with much interest and taking notes.

    Safe travels and enjoy Alaska, that is a goal of ours as well...someday...but we think we may do the cruise instead of driving it.


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