
Sunday, April 04, 2010

Happy Easter

Holidays are never the same any more and believe it or not, we are alright with that. Since we chose this lifestyle and became orphans, we no longer have family to share it but again it seems to suit us just fine. Many RV parks have some sort of gathering and usually we do not attend. We are fine with being with one another and not doing all the traditional things for any given holidays.

We will be doing our laundry and preparing ourselves and the rig to boondock for about a week while we are at Phoenix International Raceway.

We consider ourselves lucky to have found one another since we carry the same values, are able to go with the flow, especially when challenges arise and are able to live with one another without any drama in such a small area.

Hope you all are with whom you love and with whom you choose to spend your time with, otherwise, why on earth would you stay?

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