
Saturday, March 06, 2010

Legitimate Work At Home Jobs…Oxymoron?

Are they all scams? Are any of them actually legit? Can you really make some money by working at home?

So far, we have not found one that we could say that we have made any sort of money doing. Since we are always looking for ways to make some extra cash so that we can continue traveling, we have tried so many of these types of work, and each one has been a bust.

Affiliates, now we have heard some success on this but for us it has been a total bust. The amount of money we have made from this avenue in the past five years would not pay for a tank of gas.

Secret Shopping and Surveys has got us hooked up with no legit money at all, the few we contacted or contacted us turned out to be a total scam and almost cost us our identity once again.

Then there was that one job that was suppose to be the most legit of them all but instead turned out to be the biggest scam of all. Working for an online company doing web development, and still to this day have not been paid for the 20 hours of performed work. Taking these folks to court ended up at a standstill since there were deadlines to meet and they knew our snail mail was usually a few months behind us. We do know that what goes around comes around and they will get what they give out eventually, if not already.

Writing and photography jobs have been the most beneficial but still leaves us with needing to find other work to keep us traveling.

Can anyone honestly tell us that there is a company out there where we can work from our rig and make money, without paying them first? Enough money to where we would not have to work at the races, but instead do them as fans? Enough money to where we would not have to take on any job that is so physically demanding that we ache for weeks afterward.

To find work that we love and to be able to continue traveling is always at the top of our list. We read about the many folks that are doing just that but for us it is still an elusive dream but one we refuse to give up on. If you have found a way and are willing to share it with us, please drop us a comment.


  1. I don't know about surveys but Mystery Shopping when done with reputable companies is lucrative - it may be that you move around so much - but I did M.S. for 3 years and really enjoyed it and made money.

    I think the thing to remember is to never pay to get a job - if they charge than they are reputable. And eventhough I did have to give my SSN for tax purposes if I made over $600 per company per year - my identity was never at risk.

    A little research on the web and becoming certified with the Mystery Shopper's Association can get you good paying jobs at restaurants, grocery stores and retail outlets.

    You may have to be up front with the companies tho' about your travel schedule - who knows it may be a bonus to them that you can check out more all over the country [or the next spot you are going to be in!]

  2. Thanks for your input, we have been looking into just that, Mystery Shopping, will let you know how it goes.


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