
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Did You Forward Your Clocks?

Traveling has given us many more reasons to change our clocks, forward...backward, depending on which direction we are going but for today we change our clocks because we are in a state that observes it.  Not all places in the U.S. observe daylight time. In particular, Hawaii and Arizona do not use it. Indiana adopted its use beginning in 2006.

Spring forward...the second Sunday in March.  Fall back...the first Sunday in November.

So if you are in a place where they observe it, now is the time to move your clock forward or be late for all those important appointments.

Life is Good!


  1. hi.... i was surfing around online today looking for blogs about people living and traveling around in RV's. I came across yours.

    I am working at putting a resource site up for RVing and would love to repost some of your blog there.

    The site is I'm trying to build up stories, resources all with the aim to provide people inspiration so they take the plunge and live the dream!

    If you feel you'd like to participate, you can email me at, or just reply to the comment and i should get that.


  2. Absolutely...checked out your website and it looks like you are well on your way! Will send you a personal email with further information.


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