
Friday, January 15, 2010

Our Quartzsite Adventure…So Far!

We arrived early on Tuesday, looking for some work, shopping and just having some fun. Since we do not have a vehicle and the BLM land is further away, we chose to stay by the Big Tent and dry camp for $7 per night. It is also great now that we have full coverage for our internet, for the past few weeks, we have been roaming, which has made a connection so bad but now full bars everywhere.

Quartzsite doesn’t feel as congested as it has in past years, now this is still up for debate since the Big Tent will not open until Saturday. We will hold out any judgments until then but we have been asking folks, both store workers and patrons and they all have said the same, and that is the population is down but they too are waiting for the show to begin before making a firm opinion.

As for deals, we seem to be finding them everywhere. Prices are low and merchandise is plenty, which makes it good for the buyer but not for the store owners.

We put our names in at the Big Tent for vendors who might need some last minute help and we decided if we did not hear from anyone by Saturday, we were going to head out on Sunday. What a difference our lives are since we truly began to allow life to flow and not try to force things one way or another. We got a call from a food vendor and things fell right into place, so we are working and hanging out here for a few weeks. We will let you all know how the work goes as it unfolds…

1 comment:

  1. It is wonderful that letting your life flow and be unforced has already brought you two a benefit. Sounds like it might be an interesting year for you.


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