
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Sad News Today

We received a Christmas card from my aunt Maryann from Michigan who shared some sad news. There have been a few deaths of cousins, one was my age and the other was a year older, one was her son. Once again it reminds me just how short life really is and how glad we are that we got out here following our dream lifestyle instead of idling our life away. Even though in the process we lost our relationships with our daughter and grandson, we still believe we are doing what needs to be done at this time in our lives.

The tent takedown went so much smoother this year, it is down and the lot is looking bare. We are almost done and might be able to leave tomorrow, Jerry’s birthday. We have sold out of trees, 3 times, each time they find us more trees from the other lots. This time we were told that there are no more trees, so once we sell these, we are done…we only have 4 left. If you are in the area and need a tree and are reading this…come buy a tree…please!

Looking forward to getting back on the road again…sightseeing…relaxing…having some fun!

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