
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Warning...Holiday Villages of Livingston

700 Cook Jones Road
Point Blank, TX 77364

It was a fabulous drive, the roads were perfect, no interstates, only highways with trees lining the way, we thought it was going to be a fabulous day. We got to Lake Livingston, Texas where we passed by so many nice resorts, right on the lake or near to them with great views, our imaginations went wild since we too were going to be staying at the Holiday Villages of Livingston, not only did they have a RV Resort but they boasted about their 5-Star Condos. Not sure exactly where they were hiding all they claimed to have but we never found it. What we did find was a run down area with broken down trailers, trash everywhere, roads that had so many potholes that we were unable to dodge them and dogs running loose. This was not a resort, this was an environment not fit to be called a resort or anything even close to it.

We should of got the first clue when we pulled up to the guard shack and he advised us to make sure to check the electric, water and sewer at the site prior to us settling in because many of them are in need of repair. And, again he was the one upon our departure that when we advised him that we would not be staying, he immediately asked us, “What do you Coast to Coast people expect for $10?”

Unfortunately, we were in so much shock and in such a hurry to get the heck out of there, we didn't take any photos.

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