
Sunday, June 07, 2009

Time is Flying

All of the sudden here it is June, where on earth did the month of May go? We had to once again settle into a position to regroup for a spell before we are able to head out once again pursuing the NASCAR dream. Not the plan we had in mind but we are in a very beautiful area and the place we are working is marvelous, thank goodness for that since I am already getting hitch-itch.

Even with the assistance from a Director from NASCAR, we had been unable to secure work at the tracks we needed to pursue our dream once again. This has been really disheartening for us because we worked so hard and really wanted it to come full circle this year but we are not giving up entirely. We still want to visit every track on the NASCAR circuit but we may have to find a different way to do this, we are thinking now to do it as fans and not workers. In our experience the fans get a better advantage anyway then the workers do, so it will be a better opportunity for us and we may have found a way. Right now it is in the beginning stages of planning but we will let you all know as we progress in this new adventure.

In the meantime, we will share with you our adventures in the Outer Banks (OBX) of North Carolina. It took us a few weeks to get our sea legs strong enough to be able to keep us from being freaked out here, wherever we stand and look out, we can see water. Looking east we see the Atlantic Ocean, then turning west we see the Pamlico Sound with very little land in between. Seeing the OBX on a map, all you see is a line and even more freaky is driving onto the OBX while viewing your GPS, freaky indeed!

We have met so many nice folks here, some friends we will be keeping in touch with for years to come and some that have touched our lives in ways that our lives will never be the same again. We already have stories to tell and photos to share, just have to get out of my pity party and begin organizing them once again.

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