
Monday, June 22, 2009

The Simple Life

Things can get twisted and turned and totally out of whack but one thing for sure, the outcome always depends exactly on how we handle what is given to us each day. We are choosing to love ourselves, love our life, love each other and to be very grateful for all we do have and not dwell on the things we do not have. It’s so simple but we always make it so complicated.

We have a roof over our head, clothes to keep us warm, fans and air conditioning to keep us cool. We have the love for one another that only two very connected souls can ever experience. We have friends that we love hanging out with, sharing our times, stories and new adventures with. We have our health and the ability to perform in ways that others are not able to do. We have faith in life that all things are possible and are happening exactly how they are suppose to be.

How is your day going so far? If it is not perfect…stop giving reasons why it may not be and instead make it your best day ever!

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