
Monday, January 12, 2009

We Are So Blessed

Our lives seem to be in the perfect flow, we have struggled so hard to get here and it finally feels fabulous. We made it to Daytona without any problems that we could not handle, as is the way in life if only you believe that the Universe never gives you more than you can endure.

We have learned not to dwell on unpleasant experiences, indulge in self-pity or feel sorry for ourselves. We are no longer victims of our pasts, we avoid holding on to negative emotions, instead we always acknowledge and welcome all the good that always exists in our lives. By living this way, we have already experienced quite a few miracles in the past few weeks, just some perks that make our lives easier, we are so very grateful.

Before heading to the Tampa RV Show on Wednesday, we will hang out in the Daytona International Speedway area at our favorite RV Park for a few days, doing laundry, checking in at the track for our schedules, updating our blog, uploading our photos, writing articles for our new column, and just relaxing from 18 days of traveling.

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