
Saturday, January 31, 2009

Rain, Rain & Finally Went Away

It has been raining now for the past few days here in the “Sunshine” State which has given us the opportunity to get caught up on all of our writing. We are also in between work at the track, patiently waiting for Speed Weeks to begin so we can get back to manning the gates, until then we are idle. The rain finally let up on Saturday but then they are forecasting the chill to return, lows in the 30’s…brrrrrr! We took a walk to the local Flea Market and browsed around. Lot of stuff, not much we needed or wanted but they really do have a lot of deals.

We also caught this really low flying plane on our walk, just thought it was strange to see.

1 comment:

  1. The airport is right behind the track. Maybe he was landing or taking off. We have been over there to watch the Air Force jets during the week when they are practicing for the Fly-Over on race day. Speed Channel coverage starts Thursday and the lst practice for the Shootout is on Speed on Friday. We're ready for the season to start!


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