
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Laughlin Memories

Could not leave the area without stopping in Laughlin…here I feel the closest to my mother and brother. Not only is this the place we scattered their ashes but also carries the memories of our last time spent together as a family while they were both alive. Seeing my mother hit jackpots and of course sneak a few beers and swear she was not. Feeling like a kid again, hanging out with my brother and skipping along the casino floors, laughing and having fun. Watching my daughter hit her first jackpot and seeing the sparkle in her eyes. Just remembering our children not being old enough to gamble but now are all beyond their years with children of their own.

Today is a day of reflection…last day of 2008. Laughlin brings about sadness, joy, pain, heartache, love and times that we never knew may have been our last shared moments with one another.

Our wish for this upcoming new year is for our family, friends, and all of our readers to have the best opportunities and are able to meet each and every challenge with a new focus of good times ahead.

We Have Posted Our Vegas Photos


  1. Hello....we can't access your photos.??

  2. For some reason there is an extra step when you go to view our photos...Click on "View Kimberly & Jerry's Gallery"...that should work...if not let us know.


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