
Thursday, December 25, 2008

Crazy Christmas Driving Day

A crazy driving day…began in the rain…drove a few miles with sunshine…rainbows…more clouds…more rain…a little snow…lots of wind.  We are in the desert now and the wind is howling the worst we have ever seen and we are getting a few drops of rain but it’s warmer and drier.

When we checked into the KOA in Yermo, California, we met a couple we worked with in Williams, Arizona, it is so nice to talk with folks that we have met in our travels. 

We spent a few hours doing over 7 loads of wash since not only did we have to wash our clothes but the sheets, blankets and rugs. Unfortunately, due to the heavy amount of moisture we endured while in Pleasanton, we had a bit of a mold existence that we needed to contend with.

We will be hanging out here one additional day so we can visit the Calico Ghost Town.

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