
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

New Day…New Attitude

Wow…yesterday was a total meltdown…mostly because we were so exhausted from working 12 hour shifts for 3 days straight plus all the other hours and then because we had been rationing our peanut butter sandwiches all week. I kid you not…we had survived on water, coffee, bread, and peanut butter all week long. But because we are doing what we love and loving what we do it is always easier to adjust ourselves to look at the brighter side.

We are now…once we sell our Jeep or get our checks from PIR…heading for San Francisco to work a Christmas tree lot for about a month. In the meantime we are once again boondocking in the desert and by getting creative we were able to get a few bucks for food. First, while hosting the tram on Saturday night I began receiving tips…YeeHaw! Then, Jerry got the bright idea to go to the few casinos in the area and get our free money…totaling $40...thank goodness since even our bread and peanut butter was gone on Sunday…but now we have food until the money begins to once again roll in in a week or so.

I know a few of you out there are cringing…trying to figure out why on earth we live this way and all I can say is we make it work. Yes, we would love to have a monthly check coming in or hit the lottery or work at better paying jobs but since those things are not going on for us at this time, we prefer to be out here enjoying the freedom we have and doing it now instead of waiting for that perfect timing that may never come. Life is too short to wait for that perfect moment to begin living your dream, we choose to live it now, as is!


  1. Hey guys...what was the free money? Did you win at slots?? My luck has never been very good at the casinos!

  2. No jackpot win...what it was is some casinos promotions offer free cash for joining...since we do not have a gambling's easy to walk away with it.

  3. $$. Cool.
    Good luck with the Christmas trees. Hope you make bundles of $$$!

  4. All I can say to this is "Amen!". I never want to go back to my old life.


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