
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Meeting Another Workamper Couple

Through the Internet we have made many friends…yes, we call them friends even though we may have not yet met in person. Bob & Sharon Miller, aka rvingmillers, are two people we are happy to call our friends…they started this lifestyle the same year we had and they, like us, work their way around this country. We have kept in contact via emails and our blogs, so when we found out we would be in the same area, we just had to meet, so we did.

We walked around the campground and talked, it is so amazing that even though we had never met before, it was as if we knew each other well and the conversations flowed. We showed them around the Phoenix area, gave them tips on local businesses, roads, etc., then went to Mimi’s CafĂ© for lunch. The food was excellent and we even got free muffins because it was our first time there, make sure you tell them it is your first time and they give you 4 muffins per couple, a nice treat for free and you all know how we love “free”.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the tip on Mimi's. We'll be sure to check them out when we get there. Free and yummy...can't beat that!


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