
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Stop Focusing on Fixing Ourselves & Start Living

It is true that too much of anything can hurt more than not. We have been constantly focusing on “fixing” ourselves…making sure we meditate every day, read our scriptures, speak the words…on and on and on. Well, we finally realized that by focusing so much of our time on changing who we are, we actually lost ourselves. By constantly doing what the books and others say to do ALL the time has not allowed us to just live our lives and be us…exactly the way we are right now…this has caused us to miss out on some pretty terrific days. Too much of anything is too much, there should always be a balance for everything, including the good things and now that we have found that balance, life seems to be taking care of itself and we are free to be all that we can and have ever imagined.

As usual it has been very rough being here in Phoenix, so we have made the decision that this will be our last year wintering here. In the future, we will pass through to take care of our vehicle registrations and attend the race at PIR as we are headed elsewhere to spend the winter. The only thing keeping us here this year is we have already secured what seems to be some really fun work but we are planning to leave much earlier than usual because we are ready to move on with our lives and let the past go.

Phoenix was our home, but now our home is with us all the time in our hearts. Being truly alive now more than we have been in a very long time, stepping back, enjoying every moment and having the time of our lives.

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