
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Advantages of Boondocking

Our month was up at the RV Park so we are now boondocking in the desert for a few days before we head to PIR to boondock for a few more days at the race track. Not always a good thing for us since our rig is limited but we are bound and determined to do it more often.

We have always thought one of the greatest benefits to boondocking is that it is free but last night we found other advantages for doing it as well. Being away from the harsh lighting that is usually very bright in parking lots, parks or campgrounds was a welcomed treat last night. Also, watching the coyotes and javelinas in the moonlight was breathtaking but then to listen to the nearby sounds of them throughout the night was spectacular.

We spent the morning picking up the litter in the desert around us to give back what we are receiving from being able to boondock here. We know that we are intimately connected with all things and we each have the power to affect our world and live more consciously by doing as much as we can every day. Something we are learning by accepting the 29 Day Giving Challenge

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