
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

RV/MH Museum in Elkhart, Indiana & More

It was drizzly and cloudy when we left Monday morning…remained the same for most of the drive into Elkhart, Indiana…mostly roads less traveled that were great ones. We did some of our necessary chores…cleaned the rig…laundry…drying out as much as possible. During the drive we were so wet on the roof that water began pouring into areas that we had not expected but all is well now that we have dried up some…Tuesday turned into a fabulous weather day…sunny…warm and clear skies.

Checked out the Hart City “RV Park” (term used really loosely)…we were not comfortable at all. It was a gravel parking lot with hookups…no security…nobody there and not in the best of neighborhoods. Drove a few extra miles back to a KOA in Middlebury, Indiana where we knew our rig would be safe when we went sightseeing and it was just a few dollars more. At Hart City they were asking $25 and at the KOA we paid $27...well worth it for a little piece of mind.

The RV/MH Museumwas pretty cool…it made me realize that if for so many years people chose to camp with so much less than we currently have today that I am once again done feeling sorry for ourselves that we do not have the rig of our dreams...WHO CARES…we are doing what we love and if anybody else doesn’t like it or looks down on us…well it’s their problem because we are having the time of our lives. The museum cost is $8 adult / $6 Senior / $3 Children, we had a coupon from a flyer at the KOA Campground that we used so we only paid $6 each. There are photos uploaded at our Picasa webpage, check them out!

We are in Amish Country which gives us another perspective on life…they have their own ideals about life and we respect that and we would never try to tell them they are doing it wrong. We enjoy learning from others, especially the people that choose to be so different from the leading pack as we are doing now.

"Indigo on Seventeen"...we stopped for lunch at a very "posh" restaurant...spent more on lunch then we usually do for dinner but we wanted to try something new and different...this place was just that...see our review for more.

Ike’s Effects Felt As Far As Indiana...campground underwater on Saint Joseph River…rain for more than 3 days has caused many rivers to rise…this one will not be fully crested for a few more days…we will have left the area by then. This is so amazing to see…knowing what these people must be experiencing…a prayer and our thoughts go out to each and everyone that was affected by Ike.

Fun at the Museum ...Having fun wherever we go is part of our new lifestyle…no worries…just good times!

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