
Saturday, September 20, 2008

Imagine Our Dream Life…

Really picture it…every detail…every feeling…attitude…vision it…hear it…taste it…feel it…live it. This was a lesson we read this morning and the funny thing is, as I looked around feeling it from my heart…I realized…we are living it. Oh sure, a nicer, more comfortable rig would be nice…a bigger bank account would certainly be great to have but to be able to see and enjoy a different backyard almost every morning and looking over at the man I love so much just peacefully enjoying the drive…my goodness…we are living our dream. Through it all…the hard times…the easy times…the lean times…the plentiful times…the good weather…the bad weather…the good times…the bad times…doing it all with love and sheer delight in our hearts.

We will never stop dreaming and we hope that each life we touch continues to do the same thing. Living this lifestyle has changed us in so many ways and have made us better people and allowed us to meet so many wonderful people. Thank you for all of our many friends we meet daily and being able to share it all with you has been the greatest part of all.

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