
Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Arriving in Michigan

Left a bit later than we expected but after all we are on vacation! Headed out of the campground and had a great drive. Feeling good to be on vacation and once again be just us…tourists…travelers…writers…photographers…loving our lives and having fun!

Once again we missed the turn to keep us on US-2 into Wisconsin but of course we were right on course…we found a Wal-Mart where we needed to be to return our coffee pot that had totally quit working that morning.

Arriving in Michigan we stopped at the Welcome Center to pickup literature about the places we plan to explore. There was the nicest lady assisting us…she knew so much about all the places we wanted to visit and she listened. So many times people try to be helpful but in their own journey not in where others want to go but she was exceptionally helpful for our needs.

We drove longer than we normally do due to several stops we made and the hour loss driving into Eastern Standard Time zone. Arrived at Ojibwa Casino after 5pm where they had 12 sites with 30/50 amp full hookups for $15. All the sites were back-ins so we had to unhook…not what we usually like to do while we are traveling but we have become such experts now that it is no big deal any longer to unhook and hook up in the morning.

The restaurant located in the casino was a small, clean with a nice atmosphere and friendly server. The food was great and reasonably priced. The casino was small but we had a great time…the machines were loose…we played for a few hours and did not spend a cent…we actually got back our dinner and camping cost as well…now that is fun! Check out our reviews for the entire review of our site and the restaurant at the casino.

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