
Wednesday, July 30, 2008

When I Do Not Write...

It feels as if a part of me disappears when I do not write for extended periods of time and my life sort of just exists instead of truly living to my fullest. This is also a warning that something is amiss in my life, the way it has been now for the past few months.

We again made a choice to come off the NASCAR tour for a short time to do a favor for a friend, so we have been working a campground for the past few months and are ready to move on now but have another month to go. The good news is that we plan to visit and work a few tracks this season before totally going for a much fuller NASCAR season next year.

We are so excited that our dream is finally coming to light. It took us this long to finally realize that in order to have our dream come true we have to totally and unequivocally believe in it, have faith and never give up. For the past few years since coming out on the road we have had many obstacles, but many of those have been self induced. What I mean by that is we settle for what we feel we deserve, we feel we need to punish ourselves because we made a few bad choices in our lives and then we accept what is handed to us instead of hanging in there for the best possible solutions to come to us. This we are working on daily, with each passing moment and challenge we are learning and growing into even more magnificent spiritual beings.

Challenges, obstacles and nuisances will no longer stop our travels and our dreams of following the NASCAR circuit. We have once and for all convinced ourselves that we know best on what is good for us and that what others may want for us is not always in our best interest. We will be thankful and grateful for all the experiences that come our way but we will no longer have them control our paths to our dream life.

For our many readers who have been inquiring where our reviews, stories and photos have been for the past few months…they are forthcoming and the future is brighter for many more on our journeys just ahead.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

What Would You Change If You Won The Lottery?

When we are living our dream life…the answer to this question would be…just continue what we are doing only with more money. That is where we always want to be…and when the answer to this question changes our place we are or where we want to be is when we have to once again get centered. We are either living our dream lifestyle or we are not and no amount of money will ever change that…more money will only make our lifestyle a bit more easier to do but will not change our journey.

It’s taken a few weeks for us to get back to our dream lifestyle but we are there once again. We have set up a few tracks to get us through this season but have also confirmed most of the tracks for next season. Finally…we are able to live our dream life, working at the tracks and traveling around this beautiful country. Now if we won the lottery we would just continue living our lives just the way they are…only with more money!