
Saturday, June 07, 2008

Lucky But Long Driving Day

We drove almost 500 miles today…we do not do this very often but it was a perfect day and everything went right.

We left early in the morning and ended up taking Interstate 90 for much longer than we anticipated because it was such a nice hilly drive. We continued on US-83 through Pierre, the capital of South Dakota and we noticed many both width and height restrictions on several of the roads throughout the area, none which affected us since we are under 10’ wide and just over 10’ high. The road was pretty rocky in several places, so rocky that we thought everything was going to rattle out of the cupboards. We picked up US-12 to take us east through South Dakota, then north on I-29 into North Dakota. A new State and as you can see we accomplished the photo of the State Line which was tricky but doable.

Just upon entering North Dakota, we found Dakota Magic…they had RV Parking, flat, level slabs with FHU for under $11 that we barely fit with our tow hooked up, which adds up to 44’ but we made it work. We ate at the buffet which was good but was highly priced, just under $40 for the two of us but the machines were so loose we ended up hitting jackpot after jackpot and we walked away with much more than we came in with, including all expenses of eating and lodging paid for by them. Our neighbors had a barking dog and they were not in their rig so we called security and within minutes they found the owners and they quieted the dogs. That to us is service.

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