
Thursday, June 19, 2008

Circle Pines KOA in Williams, Arizona

Now that we left and had a few weeks to mull it all over, we will share with everyone our experience at Circle Pines KOA, located in Williams, Arizona. We learned after the deplorable conditions we endured on our very first Workamping experience that we would never settle for this ever again. And as life usually has a way of testing us to be sure that we learned the lesson it sent it our way once again. The difference was this time was the conditions were not deplorable but the management was not up to our standards.

The campground is a fantastic place to visit and we would highly recommend it to anyone that asks, but our workamping experience was a bit different than being a guest. To read our review for the campground, please go to our Zee Map.

This was one of those last moment, desperate decisions for us so we are truly guilty of not listening to the red flags that should have warned us. Upon our arrival, we almost immediately began to feel the confusion among management/owners and the Workampers. When asking questions, simple questions like, “Where should we park our rig?” Getting responses like “I don’t know” was not setting real well with us but we tried to overlook some of the disorganization. It soon became apparent that the communication between management and owners was not very good and then between management and Workampers was even worse.

We began to notice the constant talking behinds others backs, not just talk about the owners and other Workampers but about the guests as well. Then the prejudicial remarks about the “foreign” guests was more than I could handle and this went on every day. The management did not speak very highly of the owners and many times were just very disrespectful, we could not see what they continued to complain about since all of our encounters with the owners were very professional and highly entertaining.

We had a signed agreement which changed by the moment and they were not honoring many of the things that were on the agreement. Lack of communication and inexperience from management, we believe is to blame for most of the confusion. We were not informed that we HAD to work at least 32 hours or we would be charged for our site, even though we were being paid for all hours worked and they were making out our schedules which were changed continuously.

There were also many perks offered to us in writing, such as “deeply discounted” or “free” tickets to local attractions that once we inquired about these, we were told that we would not get them until much later into our time there. Oh, by the way, we even had an issue with our last paychecks, even after we gave all the needed information to the owner, when we last spoke to her she apologized and advised us that management had “forgot” to send them to us as requested and was glad we called or they would still be sitting there.

Even though the location was fabulous…just sixty miles from the Grand Canyon…with many other sightseeing events within a short distance and the campground itself was clean and many amenities that were very enticing but we decided a long time ago that we would much rather work for people that say what they mean and mean what they say.

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