
Sunday, May 11, 2008

What Is Mother’s Day…

When your children or mother are nowhere around?

There are so many woman today that instead of having a joyous day with their children and/or many others that are without their mothers that will be mourning the losses instead. For so many reasons we will be separated from them today…some very valid reasons and others not so valid…but still will not be sharing the day with them.

For all of us that feel that emptiness inside because our loved ones will not be with us today, my heart, thoughts, prayers and love goes out to you. Instead of wallowing in the self-pity, take that sadness and channel it into the greatest gift of all and reach out to others and help them through a tough day. We will all feel better if we take the time to listen to others and understand that we are not alone today…no matter what the circumstances on the outside look like.

Know that there are thousands of people out here today that will have a heavy heart but let’s all get together and do something nice for someone else who might be going through the same sort of pain that you are also going through. Let’s all take that extra moment today to listen to others stories and help them through the day. And, maybe…just maybe…it may make your day brighter.

My story…
For over 30 years I have been a mother…for more than 40 years I had a mother…today neither are with me…but I will move beyond this pain and reach out to others and share the love I have deep inside me…if I can do this…believe me you can too!

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