
Friday, March 14, 2008

Jerry Goes Way Out of His Comfort Zone

We were asked to volunteer some of our time to help them out since many of their regular volunteers were at Rawhide this week for a special event. I was more than happy to help out in the store area, as for Jerry they were in need of an extra cowboy. He had to be coaxed...a lot...finally he agreed. He admitted afterwards that he really did have a great time.

A very lucky photo...catching the Sheriff's smoking gun. 

 This is my Favorite photo...he is so handsome. I am so proud of him since I know how difficult this was for him but he made it look so natural.

AZ - Pioneer - Gunfight
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1 comment:

  1. You two have such a great attitude! I hope you continue to enjoy life this way. :-)


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