
Wednesday, December 26, 2007

An Awakening

Christmas is now over and the difference a day makes is marvelous. The sad feelings we had yesterday have now disappeared and we are now ready to take on all of our new experiences that life has in store for us.

We woke today knowing that life is exactly how we choose to make it and for the first time in a long time we are choosing a grand life. This lifestyle for us began 3 years ago with so much anticipation and we allowed circumstances to change all of those dreams…no more…we are moving forward in our lives and not allowing our dreams to fade into the sunsets. We are getting busy with finding work at the tracks and we will be doing many more tracks this season than we had planned, beginning with California, Vegas and then...

The both of us turning 50 has been symbolic and we choose to choose to make the next 50 even better than the first. Thank you for our readers comments that have energized our inner souls to go for it all and to finally let go of our past.

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