
Sunday, May 06, 2007

One of Our New Goals Is To…

Write a blog everyday, so here is today’s.

I love Sundays because we start them with Church online. Yes, you read that correctly, we do Church online. Renaissance Unity from Warren, Michigan does a live feed from the Sunday morning services, we have been doing this now for many years and we love it.

This morning Greg Barrette, one of the ministers spoke about your “Spiritual Tool Box”, tools you need for your spiritual growth. The number one tool he spoke about is meditation and we totally agree. We both have a hard time doing this everyday but when we do things fall into place but when we don’t then things get a bit out of sorts. We don’t always reach the clear space as we should but that is not a major problem according to Greg this morning. He mentioned that as long as you take the time and quiet your mind that it will accomplish what you need and that is what we plan to do from this day forward.

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