
Tuesday, May 01, 2007

I Have Lost My Zen!

Nothing new has happened in our lives but for some reason I have no energy. My daughter did call me once she received my letter and she was as angry as ever. Yes, that hurts but that was over a week ago… We did work very hard at Hickory Lake Campground but we have had a few days off to rest now… We have arrived at our new workamping experience and it appears to be all we expected… It was a nice adventure here with absolutely no events that should have caused any sadness… So what might have zapped all of my Zen from my soul?

It has been slowly fading for the past few days now. Being connected and full of hope is the only way to survive the daily challenges that come into my life. Anything might happen next and without that hope I may not be able to get through it without some damage. Meditation is just making me cry again today but giving up is not an option. This setback will not keep me down for long, I will find a way to get through this and come out more wiser and much more energetic, ready to take on the world once again.