
Sunday, March 25, 2007

This is why we do what we do!

Every once in awhile, everything in our lives just fall into place and works out. This is one of those times.

After leaving Las Vegas Motor Speedway feeling a bit well on the not so lucky side of life knowing we were going to have to rethink this entire tour idea. We were feeling well let’s just say a bit on the self defeated side of life but instead of wallowing in our self pity we decided to change our way of doing things and this time we looked at the bright side. Once we found the bright side, it became a blinding light that continues to glow the brightest I have ever seen. Once we got aligned with the universe, miracles began happening for us and continue to surprise us with every event.

We have jobs lined up all over the United States for the rest of the year and even into next year. Some for a few weeks, some for longer and some for not as long but all are where and when we want them to be.

At this time we are in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico doing some independent contracting tile work for a short time before moving onward to our next exciting adventure. One of the things we have learned through this last ordeal of ours is to live for the moment, not for tomorrow or for yesterday. To enjoy where we are and not worry so much about where we are going.

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