
Tuesday, February 06, 2007

We just want to be able to do it all! To be gypsies and wander around our great United States of America and dabble and share with all the fun times.

We have been receiving many options in the past few days for work, better known to us as Workamping. To work at several campgrounds doing a variety of different positions in a variety of places, such as Louisianna, Minnesota, Maine, Tennessee, North Carolina, California, Michigan, and the Keys just to name a few. To work at an amusement park, adventure park and many different other types of parks.

They all sound so exciting and we want to be able to do them all including our original plan at many of the tracks on the NASCAR circuit. Why couldn't we be able to work a few weeks at each of these places, hang out with fun people, make some good cash, learn so much, write our stories, take our photographs and of course have the time of our lives.

Maybe there is a way...

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