
Saturday, February 24, 2007

Johnson City, TX to Fort Stockton, TX

A bit of a windy night and we were rock and rolling a few times through the morning hours. We got an early start and headed to Fredericksburg, this is one of those quant western towns that make you feel all warm and cozy just driving through it. We picked up 87N towards Mason, another quant western small town. As we were arriving into the town, there were a few police cars with their lights flashing at the scene of a bull on the run, he was not very happy that these officers were detaining him. Luckily, we were able to get by the scene without any further incident occurring.

The skies were clear but the wind was picking up as we turned onto 190W in Menard and this road would have been the perfect drive if not for the treacherous wind knocking us around, Jerry had a firm grip on the steering wheel at all times. As we headed into El Dorado, we discussed our options to either stay on 190W, get to I-10 or possibly find a campground now and pull off. We opted to stay on 190W, stopped for gas in El Dorado, the wind was blowing so hard, and we could see dust storms all around us but we continued. Just as we were getting out of the city, we were hit by a dust storm like nothing I had never seen before. Jerry stayed calm and crept through it as I panicked and began to cry. Living in the Arizona desert for over 15 years but I had never experienced one while driving so it was a bit unnerving, especially in our home. What is it about Texas and its weather anyway? Every time we come through we deal with some sort of freak storm, this has to stop. Today I learned something new about my husband of over 10 years, he has driven in a few dust storms and even raced his motorcycle through many more while he was younger and during his racing days.

Even though we left the dust storm behind we continued to deal with the very strong winds all the way into Fort Stockton where we pulled into the first campground, which was a KOA. It has been years since we both had stayed in one and we are very impressed and will probably stay at many more now. For some reason we both thought you had to be a member to stay in one and we found out that if you are a member you receive a 10% discount, which we did anyway, using our Good Sam Club card.

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